Instant Hiring Solutions

Tech Hiring at its Best 

When you engage AIQO to support your HR, you are elevating your tech hiring process with the benefit of AI. 

With Sphere you will be able to identify the most compatible candidates and Aptor will help you hasten the process with more quality.

Best Fit Teams

The success of conventional method followed in hiring by most tech organizations has a very low success rate in forming and nurturing the best fit team ideal for the organization. The result is high attrition The solution to this is to find the right profiles that fit into your organizations and nurture them This is where our optimised hiring solutions can be your partner. We can find the right candidates exclusively fitting for your organisation with the assistance of our AI systems.

Match Compensation to your Expectation

Techies being at the upper echelons of the talent brackets globally command a premium in the job market. Salary alone does not make the offers attractive. You need to match overall compensation with the aspirations, which includes perks, and other benefits. Our AI generates the ideal profiles of candidates that would match what you want to offer and identify candidates that are best matching the same, thus helps preventing mis-hires

Super Fast High Quality Hires

What AIQO offers you is the most innovative and groundbreaking tech hiring practices augmented with the assistance of AI. Sphere combined with Aptor facilitates closing of positions with better accuracy at a higher pace. That is why AIQO can be your ideal partner in tech hiring.