Life @ AIOQ

Build the things you are proud of

High-end opportunities

AIQO extends its techies exceptional work environment that matches state-of-the-art tech companies. With many pioneering companies as clients, the employees at AIQO gets outstanding opportunities, which suits their aspirations, skill levels, work culture expectations and packages.AIQO gives you a promising career with stability, long term growth and fulfilling lives.

Our Culture

Honesty, transparency and family spirit


Best Packages

AIQO finds our dedicated employees as our real assets and we extend the best offers and salary packages commensurate to the value they bring in.


High Value Perks and Benefits

Besides the exceptional packages AIQO offers, there are also other peerless benefits provided to the employees , which includes comprehensive insurance coverage. prime housing facilities, leave travel, facilities, special allowances, preferential rates and coupons, goodies etc. we really make you previlaged.


Learning and Development

AIQO also offers tremendous learning and development opportunities via corporate subscriptions to global information networks, and training opportunities. Our networked industry experts are made available to you for one to one coaching sessions by experts and industry leaders to guide you through your career development, financial development and other matters.

Rear side of Audiences sitting and listening the speackers on the stage in low light conference hall, event and seminar concept

Brown Bag Seminars

At AIQO, we organise frequent brown bag seminars on contemporary and relevant topics that are of interest to our employee community by collaborating with industry experts or other leading subject experts. These training sessions are made available to our employees free of cost, so that our employees can have the luxury of new knowledge. Because knowledge and skill sets are the new currency.

Human Resources, Team Leadership, Staffing, Successful Business Team Leadership Ideas, Good Leadership Leads to Business Success.

Awards & Recognitions

AIQO is always keen to recognise and appreciate our in-house talents, who make priceless achievements in their profession. We have put in place an unique in-house recognition system that prides in the principle of celebrating outstanding talents among us.

Business people in a casual meeting


AIQO is one of the most employee friendly organisations with no biases, other than performance and achievements of our employees. We provide everyone with equal opportunities for their professional growth, thereby embracing their absolute potential. We are also truly transparent in all our interactions with employees which brings a high level of mutual trust , resulting in a happy techforce.


What Our people says

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